Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Here's a fun photo of me and Lukas right after he was born. I am working on posting our birth story, but am having issues with the document. Grrr . . . hopefully, I'll get that up soon.

Enjoy the picture! I'll add some more when I have a chance to get them from Michael's computer.

1 comment:

Melanie said...

Katherine...it's me Melanie (Mel) from Apartment Life. I stumbled upon your blog from Desiree's and wanted to say hi!

Congratulations on the birth of your little boy! How precious! I was nearly in tears as I read your birth story relating to my own experiences with my children and anticipating our 3rd baby that is due in two weeks! :)

We too did natural childbirth and used midwives at St. Luke’s. It was an incredible experience which has been so instrumental in my own spiritual journey. It is one that has truly taught me what surrendering looks like and trusting in Jesus to be my strength.

It is the toughest thing I have ever down yet was the most rewarding and best of all it deepened my understanding of letting go and trusting in Jesus!

Congratulations and Many Blessings!